Popular Books & Articles Ready to Sell, Publish, or Give Away!

Make money, drive traffic, and build email lists w/ our database of public domain books, royalty-free content, & PLR content. Modify it, sell it as-is, publish it, or use it to build lists!

Click Below to Get it for only $127!

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60,000+ eBooks

ContenTrove gives you the power to search through our database of 60,000+ eBooks that can then be modified (or left as-is) and published to your blog. You can even SELL it as-is for potentially huge profits! Or give them away to build your list! The possibilities are seemingly endless.


BONUS #1: Licensed Content

You'll also get access to a virtually endless supply of licensed content. These are articles in 140+ niches that had their sentences hand-written into multiple versions, then those versions roated into many versions. Use it as-is, spin it from within ContenTrove, and publish, give away... or do whatever you want with it!


BONUS #2: PLR Articles

You'll also have access to a searchable database of Private Label Rights articles in 59 different categories/subcategories! "Private Label Rights" means that you can modify the article as you see fit (or not at all), claim it as your own, sell it, share it, etc. It's as if you wrote it and it's fully yours. You can even instantly spin it and publish it to your blog from within ContenTrove.

What Makes ContenTrove So Profitable?

Make Money Selling the Books Legally!

Because the ebooks/books in our database are public domain (many are even classic books) you can legally sell them as-is, or modify them and sell them! There are marketers out there making a KILLING doing just this. They find popular titles and sell them, using the original author's name, and leveraging that popularity to make them money. Now YOU can do the same!

Drive Traffic with Public Domain "Anchors"

Many famous people have written books that are included in the database. Pull quotes and other sections of their books, publish them to your site, then link to those pages from Facebook groups and other social media. You'll get traffic by leveraging their name and popularity! We've done this very thing to drive thosuands of visitors!

Build an Email List Giving away the Books!

eBooks are one of the best ways to build an email list! Add a popup, or regular opt-in form to your site offering one of the popular eBooks from ContenTrove in exchange for a name and email. You could literally build a business from it!

Fill your Sites with Content!

ContenTrove allows you to take the "trove" of PLR and licensed content available within, instantly spin it to make it unique, (and further modify if you like) then instantly publish it directly to your blogs from within the user interface! That means TONS of fresh, new content for your sites in no time!

Developer? Connect to our API!

Want to add our massive database of books or ebooks into your script or application? Our REST API is simple and easy for any developer to use. You'll get instant access to the API upon purchase.

Ready to Profit?

Just click below to get INSTANT ACCESS to ContenTrove for a ONE-TIME Payment of only $127!

This is your chance to profit in a big way, but it won't last long!