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Have fun playing a card game and learn programming!

STJ will help you learn to program while having fun at the same time.

Invest the value of less than two hours of your future work into a deck of cards that will help you boost your career!

STJ = Flashcards 2.0

If you are learning to code, it is often hard to discover and memorize all of the concepts of a programming language. STJ Flashcards make it super easy. They combine state-of-the-art memory techniques with a fun-to-play card game to help you remember concepts faster.

Here is the science behind STJ

According to research, images help commit information to our long-term memory, images transmit messages faster, images improve comprehension, images trigger emotions, and images motivate learners. In fact, 90 percent of the information transmitted to the brain is visual (source). That is why intriguing and beautiful illustrations can help you to memorize and learn programming. Side-by-side with the fantasy setting and fun descriptions, STJ Flashcards are a great combination to help boost your memory! They are eye-catching and they create emotions – the cornerstone to memorize faster (source).

Dive into a fantasy world of Summon THE JSON, where excellent visual design, creatures, and fun descriptions will help you remember concepts if by magic

STJ is an excellent choice if you:

- want to become a programmer

The Flashcards contain the most useful set of information that programmers use most of the time. STJ will give you a great overview of the tools every programmer has at hand. With that knowledge, it will be easier for you to start thinking about the best way to create your application from these building blocks.

- are invited to a coding job interview

A lot of companies use knowledge tests and whiteboard tasks to assess the knowledge of a candidate for a coding job. STJ helps you remember concepts easier. Regular flashcards are boring and make it hard to connect programming concepts with anything meaningful. On the contrary, STJ helps your brain store information about programming concepts in an efficient way. It increases the chance that your brain will give you all of the information you need during a job interview.

- are switching from another language to another

If you already are a software developer, then you know how confusing it is to switch to another language. Some concepts are similar. Some are not. It is worse when you code in two or three languages at the same time. There are a lot of things to remember in every language. You need to find equivalents. STJ helps you progress faster in learning programming. It shows you the toolset of the language and helps you remember it faster. Also, when you come back to a technology after a break, you can review the cards to recalibrate your brain faster.

- want to code faster without searching online or using AI

It is great that we have a lot of easily accessible sources on the Internet, we can find all of the information we need within seconds or minutes. But the Internet will never beat the speed of the human brain. If you remember concepts, you can code faster. Moreover, your coding experience will become more fulfilling. You won’t worry about poor connection speeds or that the search engine does not find the answer you are looking for. You won’t be distracted by websites and online ads. Focus is one of the most important assets of a programmer. STJ helps you stay focused in the zone!

A word from the creator, Tom Smykowski

"- Hello, Tom. Why did you create STJ?"
- Tom: "I have eighteen years of experience as a coder, as a programming educator, and as an employer. Everyday, I help young people to become developers. One of my biggest accomplishments in that area is being ranked in the TOP 3 percent of StackOverflow users for helping others. I run job interviews and code reviews. I often see young people struggle with getting a bigger picture of programming. Today, we have a lot of great learning resources. That is good, but this often leads to confusion and discouragement. So it became clear to me that we all need something like a compass, an essentials toolkit. That is what STJ is. These are the tools you have at hand. Learning programming is easier if you have guidance on how to start."

STJ is also a card game

Summon The JSON is not only a Flashcard deck. It is also a game for everyone. Up to four people can play a game of STJ. The deck is divided into heroes, animals, and food. Some cards have points, some have superpowers. You can combine them to win battles against other players.

A game of STJ can be played by anyone. You don’t need to have any prior programming knowledge to do so. In fact, it is a great way to spend time in a mixed group of geeks and non-geeks. You can play it with your family, your friends, and your colleagues. Even when meeting new people, a game of STJ is a great ice-breaker, a conversation starter, and a way to spend time with other people, chat, and bond. Have a great time together!