ShopStreamStation Presents:

Influencer Marketing for Musicians

What artists say about us:

We craft influencer marketing campaigns everyday, for any artist size, delivering results that resonate.

Our Approach:

We manage everything. Our campaigns grab attention, get people moving, and increase views, and fans. We bring your ideas to life and help you succeed in your music career.

Easy 3 Step Process:

1) Discovery Call

First, we'll talk with you to understand your music and goals. We'll learn about your style, your fans, and what you want to achieve.

2) Team Up

Next, we'll connect with influencers who fit your vibe and have followers who'll love your music. Then, we'll manage influencers, and run the whole show, getting them to share your songs with their followers.

3) Track Results

We'll track all the data regarding of the influencers. Then, we'll give you detailed reports showing the impact of each campaign and how many people listened your music.

It's seriously that easy.

Let's connect

We’re booked 3-6 months out, but filling out the info below will show us you’re interested in a future campaign.