Luna H2O Best hydrogen water bottle

Luna H2O Hydrogen Water Bottle

Elevate your hydration with the Luna H2O Hydrogen Water Bottle. Experience increased energy, a youthful glow, and an overall sense of well-being—all achieved through optimal hydration!

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Best Hydrogen Water Bottle 2024

Luna H2O Hydrogen Water Bottle Technology

Ever wondered how the Luna H2O Hydrogen Water Bottle works? Our innovative technology utilizes electrolysis to split water into H2 and O2 gas. The dissolved H2 enriches the water to a concentration of 3000+ ppb.

Embrace the Wave of Wellness

Ensure your family's well-being with the ease and affordability of hydrogen-infused water.


Curious about the benefits of Hydrogen Water? Backed by over 1000 peer-reviewed scientific studies, hydrogen-infused water is recognized for its myriad health advantages. Experience reduced inflammation and muscle fatigue, thanks to its potent antioxidant properties.

  • luna h2o 1 year warranty

    1-Year Extendable Warranty

  • luna h2o eco friendly

    Eco-Friendly and User-Friendly

  • Luna H2O Certified

    Certified Product

Luna H2O Science

Inflammation Control, Age-Defying, and Antioxidant Properties.

Explore deeper insights into the health advantages of hydrogen water through the studies provided below

The Science


What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water, also known as hydrogen-rich water, refers to regular water (H2O) infused with dissolved hydrogen gas (H2). Just as carbonated beverages contain dissolved carbon dioxide, or oxygen water contains dissolved oxygen, hydrogen water introduces hydrogen gas into the equation.

Is Hydrogen Water Safe?

Hydrogen gas is proven to be remarkably safe, even at concentrations significantly higher than those used for therapy. With a history of use in deep-sea diving since 1943, hydrogen gas exhibits no toxic effects. It's a natural component in the body, produced by gut bacteria after consuming fiber-rich meals.

The Power of Hydrogen

Drinking hydrogen-rich water is recommended due to hydrogen's potent antioxidant properties. It effectively neutralizes free radicals, reducing oxidative stress—an underlying cause of many illnesses and premature aging. As the smallest element, hydrogen penetrates areas where other antioxidants may struggle, reaching neurons and cell nuclei.

What's the Benefits of Hydrogen Water?

Numerous studies suggest that hydrogen-rich water may enhance health and wellness. From improved athletic performance and recovery to addressing conditions like allergies and chronic diseases, hydrogen water has proven effective in antioxidant therapy.

When will i notice the effects?

Experience immediate benefits such as increased energy, better hydration, improved well-being, digestion, and quality rest. Significant improvements may manifest after several weeks or months, particularly when reducing oxidative stress—a key factor in various illnesses and premature aging.

Is it possible to overdose on Hydrogen Water?

It's impossible to overdose on hydrogen-rich water. Once saturated, any excess evaporates. Regardless of consumption, you won't exceed the recommended maximum, ensuring a safe and controlled intake.

Can everyone drink Hydrogen Water?

Babies, pregnant women, and the elderly can safely enjoy hydrogen-rich water. With no contraindications, it helps maintain a suitable oxidation level for overall health.

What's the recommended daily intake of Hydrogen Water?

The recommended daily water intake is 2-3 liters. Opting for hydrogen water exclusively is suggested, although consuming more than one glass daily proves highly beneficial for regulating oxidation levels.