$980.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Check this option for personalized and guided support, and to supercharge the process for your life and business. 

(Limited spots available!) 

Ten additional 1:1 calls with your dedicated vibrant life coach to gain more depth and traction with each passing month

✓ WhatsApp support so that you can integrate and troubleshoot quicker between calls.

✓ Work together on a personalized approach to implement into your personal and work life, and see results with greater ease and speed.

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Level 1: Burnout Recovery Program + Kickstart Your Immunity Bundle - Installment

Kickstart Your Immunity includes lifetime access to:

 4 Webinars to self pace your learning with impactful no nonsense action points you can act on, right away

 4 Cheat Sheets - Access information quickly and easily

 4 additional bonus recordings (Including nutrients for kids, where to get blood tests, and lively Q&A to solidify your knowlege) 

 My guidance over 10 days direct to your inbox to walk you through the process.

 Access to the Kickstart Facebook community for direct support from me and my team of coaches during and long after your course ends.

  Exclusive invite to quicken your results with a 1:1 coaching call $249 (Usual $549)


Burnout Recovery Program includes:

  12 high yield lesson recordings to truly understand how your body works and how to work with it.  (Lifetime access to self pace)

 12 concise downloadable handouts for quick and easy reference of my protocols to use straight away

 12 LIVE group coaching calls over zoom to deepen your understanding on certain conditions, to deep dive, go through cases and troubleshoot issues that arise for you or your clients.

 Direct access to me and my coaching team in a smaller Facebook incubator for closer support during your journey.  A great opportunity to also grow your network of like minded health warriors

 Access to Practice Pearls, an expanding repository of past group coaching call recordings and deep dives.  Augment your learning through even more juicy discussions and cases.